In 1989 the slogan “The More You Know” emerged as a popular public service announcement to underscore the value of learning. The jingle and shooting star quickly became ingrained in our minds to signal that the more we know, the better our outcomes will be. While I believed in this mantra for a long time, the reality is that it’s not just about what we know that makes a difference in our lives. Knowledge is powerful, but it’s also only the beginning of the transformation journey. If we want deep-lasting change, we can’t just settle on what we know; we need to act on what we know. Continue reading...
Last month we explored the concept of it not being about “the more you know” but rather about “the more you do.” You see, information and implementation are two entirely different things. Someone can possess knowledge of something and never apply it (case in point: we all know we should exercise, but do we actually do it?). Or, someone may start inspired but then lose momentum. Our clients or learners may also learn the information, but not fully implement it. Continue reading...